Newspapers again🙄
In what ways could media products incorporate ideologies and view points
Explore how audiences can respond to and interpret the ideological perspectives of media products
P- make a point related to the question
E- Back it with examples
E- Explain your point deeper
We are not looking at reality we are looking at how the producer wants us to see it, it is a representation
Todorov's theory of narrative equilibrium
Lexis is the choice of language used
The more graphic, the closer it is to the front of the paper 'if it bleeds it leads'
Emotionally Manipulated headline with a full page article on the front page showing it is very important to them. Narrativization is the process of making a story out of news for example - Daily Mirror
The photos of the family is asking the audience to build a bond with the 'parents'
Believing that one ethnicity/culture is better than the other ethnocentrism
Online newspapers are over taking physical newspapers and people are still in shock that newspapers are still around, some distributers like the London Evening Standard are being handed out for free this is funded by advertising. Free newspapers also tend to have high circulation
Newspapers are not totally independent
- The lexis of the font gives the Location and therefore the connotations is there is rough parts as well as nice parts.
- Emotive language like 'Toddler' is used to to have a sympathetic impact on the audience and identify on the audience
- The use of the term Finsbury Park has a polysemic meaning as some think it is rough and some think it is posh.
- Assumes the audience is from the south-east of the country
- No mention of his ethnicity as they do not need to and therefore they can't
- The image anchors the audience into thinking that indian people are not nice and the shifty, passive aggressive stare which portrays him to look evil
The Mirror is owned by Reach PLC - example of Horizontal Integration
David Gauntlett the Pick and Mix Theory - the idea that audiences are active and can take what they like from the story and mix it up and generate their own opinion. The entertainment value is presented
The entertainment comes from the Scandal from a banned advert, it must have been bad for a gambling advert to be banned as there is very little room for themes involving gambling to be so bad to be banned
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