Component one section A - explore how media language combines to create meaning

Component one section A - explore how media language combines to create meaning

Wonder Woman 1984
  • The W imprinted logo backdrop adds an eye catching background with connotations of relating to the product
  • The Direct mode of address of the protagonist allows the viewer to feel they are being directly targeted and that they are being looked over by her as she is actually looking slightly off center, giving the impression she has your back and is looking after you
  • The W style pattern allows her to emerge from the pattern and this signifies she is standing out from the average woman and not conforming to hegemonic norms set by society (especially in 1984), she is also strong because of these women, they help her and allow her to stand out and protect them.
  • The gold armour shows she is a warrior of skill and even wealth as gold is not a cheap material you would waste on a poor fighter.  
  • The small and 'to the point' hashtag in the bottom left corner allows a trend to be established via social media allowing it to be popular amongst those active on the sites and allow 

Compared to Tide Print Cover
  • Tides TA were stay at home wives/mums with little aspiration to be anything greater than that, this is seen as there is no men on the poster (as they are all to busy working and do not need to use Tide) and they are all seen being at home etc, this is a contrast to the Warrior that is Wonder Woman, fighting threats to save the WORLD not just using a product to save their husbands clothes from a stain.  
  • A 1950 Tide audience would react very differently compared to a current audience to the Wonder Woman poster, the would see it as completely fictional and would not get the empowering message coded deep within, that women are superior and more powerful not just united but you can be Hero when you put your mind to it, which is the meaning, it also means that it can take one individual to stand out from the rest to set things right and make a change for the good of everyone.  In Tide it is all about being like everyone else, 'everyone loves Tide' you won't need a husband if you have this, although that is slightly empowering that woman do not need a husband, to replace him with a product of washing seems even more offensive, a slightly backhanded compliment.


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