Image result for another magazine cover

  • Androgonist - challenging female stereotypes 
  • She feels trapped 
  • Good Complection 
  • Close up to show her lack of emotion
  • Bold black lexis to emphasise the dullness of the cover and maybe the minds of youth todays however they have an impact on todays world?
  • Targeting Middle Class audiences due to it looking too sophisticated for lower class but due to there being no high end brands being shown it would leave it to be for middle class
  • The high key lighting signifies she is in the spotlight and therefore signifies   

Image result for fader tyler the creator
  • There are three main colours in this front cover, the pastel colours are atypical of the genre of rap Tyler is associated with, the pastel colours are also associated with his brand 'GOLF' which he appears to be wearing on the cover
  • The scrunched up hoodie and red eyes symbolise him being high maybe and the culture he represents, also his social awkwardness and vunrability, therefore challenging the bravado of the male rappers of today
  •  The direct mode of address from Tyler only makes the audience empathise with him, they do not feel threatened 


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