The Sci-Fi Genre & Sociohistorical Context

The Sci-Fi Genre &
Sociohistorical Context

Allegory -  A story about something else, like how animal farm is seen as pigs becoming leaders of the farm where as it is actually about the Soviet Union, Humans in allegory.  It is a metaphor

Zeitgeist -  Literally translates as 'The spirit of the time'.  It means there are things in what you are watching that allow you to be able to identify the time period it is set in

In Sci-Fi the directors can encode a deeper hidden message about the society we live in today

Humans has a contemporary setting, in a parallel/alternate universe.  It is set in the UK near London.  

  1. illegal immigration/modern slavery
  2. Racism and being sceptical of people that are not British (human)
  3. People being scared of technology taking over, trying to wipe them out, Genocide, could be relating to a Genocide
  4. Reliance on technology - we become dependent and loose the ability to think by ourselves 
  5. Kids disrespecting elders
  6. Robots representing the working class
  7. Objectification and sexualisation 
  8. Terrorism - invading Peoples homes
  9. Capitalism and the nuclear family 

The Buying Anita/Mia 

Objectification & Sexualisation 

  • She gets bought as if she is a almost like a phone, a commodity
  • Joe's daughter, Sophie, asks if they can take her back if she isn't pretty, this objectifies her and sexualises her as Joe himself is seen to be hoping she is pretty too
  • The Grand unveiling of her is seen to drum up anticipation of her appearance, she is seen to be hegamonically stereotypically attractive, appealing to the male gaze and the idea that the Robots are even coming to fill every household role the male wants filled, with the '18 and Over' pack Joe got handed 


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