Code means any media language that creates a meaning for the audience for example an extreme long shot makes a character look venerable.

Roland Barthes theory

Hermeneutic Code is also known as an enigma code, these refer to something in a media product which creates suspence and mystery.

Proairetic Codes - Also known as an action code, this refers to something within a media product that suggests that something will happen or is going to happen, double indemnaty 1939.

Symbolic Code is something that creates a deeper meaning to the audience

New York indicates a busy location and that if you're in a rush you can still get the great lashes in no time no matter how much of a rush you're in.  Due to it being New York also shows a wealth and classyness that comes with this product.  The model has full lips that is exaduated with the lipstick, clear skin exaduated by the lighting making her a stereotypical pretty girl.

the fact she is looking off centre makes her appear so prestige with her new lashes she doesn't have to look at the customer, is also shows off the blue of her eyes.

The extreme colours indicates the boldness of her new look and potentially your new look to.

The person in the back is wearing sunglasses maybe to illustrate that she doesn't have as good eyelashes as she does not use Maybelline mascara so is embarrassed so she wears shades.

The slogan indicates that their product looks so good and so natural that it may appear that she looks so natural that she may appear born with it

Her brown hair gives her a more professional appearance as blond hair gives the stereotype of being more fun and less serious and having the model with brown hair gives her a serious look

Her blue eyes are extremely rare directing the customers eye to her eye and therefore her mascara 

The font is bold and takes up the whole of the bottom of the advert making it bold and stand out as the eye moves in a 'Z' formation which

'Z' Line - The way in which the advert is arranged to move the readers eye to wear the company wants them to look

Rule of Thirds - If you were to draw a grid over the advert everything would fall into a square to allow the eye to comfortable when looking at it to make the advert aesthetically pleasing to the eye

Headings and Subheadings - These are to grab the readers attention with the heading and then with that attention, get them to read what is below, however it is smaller than the heading, the 'Maybe she's born with it...' is the tagline as it is catchy and will stay with the customer

Serif Font - Has a flick on the font, makes it seem more professional and serious

Sans-Serif Font - does not have flicks on the text, Bold and less formal could be suited to a completely different audience than one that uses Serif font

Lexis - Is the choice of language used that will appeal to your demographic

Mode  of Address - The way in which a media product 'talks' its audience, a direct mode of address is where the media product talks directly to the audience



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