Wonder woman Mini Test - Reece Turnbull

The Wonder poster represents women and men in a non-stereotypical way.  It does this but having the woman being the main centre of attention and the man being in the background.  The ideology of this is that women in this film are more independant and powerful then men.  this is not normally the case in super hero movies as it is normally the man who saves the girl and the man who fights crime where as with this film the woman seems to be the one in control and who is more dominant by far. 

The fact the woman has a sword that is sparking and glowing could symbolise that she has/is a beacon of hope to those in times of need and that the fact it is is raised shows she is ready to fight for what' right.  The sword could also symbolise traditional methods of battle and that she has immense skill to go against someone with a gun and still come out on top, therefore presenting to the audience she is clever and a good fighter.  The light of the sun above her only matches the colour of her sword, that positioning of the light being just over her signifies that she has the Gods looking down on her, that she is the chosen one and/or that she is a God herself, all this comes together to show that the woman is far more superior than the man, breaking down the female stereotype of women always being dependant on the man making her atypical.

The red chest plate symbolises love but also danger, to show that she could be the love of you life but then also take your life.  The plate is also covered in scratches and does not look brand new and shiny, to show to the audience she is not new to this and that she has plenty experience and has the scars to show for it, this shows that, yet again, she is atypical as she gets stuck in and is not afraid to get dirty and to get hit.

The man on the left is shown to be dressed in thick layers clutching a rifle, not only does his attire set the time period for the audience but is also shows his lack of bravery and/or emphasises Wonder Women's as she is charging, head first, no shield, whereas he seems a little more reluctant and more covered up. 

The name of the film is one of the boldest things on the poster, it is also the same golden yellow as her sword spark an the sun above her.  The word is in a sleek and modern font while at the same time, appearing classy and minimalistic, this emplies how the protaganist herself is, she makes herself clear that she is there but, does not come across abbrassive.  The word Wonder itself relates to how the lead is, and how those feel about her as she is not the stereotypical woman of today but more importantly of that time period.


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