Audience Manipulation
If you watch to much TV you get manipulated = You're an idiot, Lazy
If you watch to much YouTube you become influenced = You are influenced, could end up doing something dangerous or harm to yourself or to others
If you play to many video games - You want to reenact your violence
Albert Bandura - The hypodermic Needle Model IT IS NOT CORRECT. Germany WW2 had just finished, a stigma was held that Jews were bad through Mass Media through Radio to subconsciously brainwash those listening into to holding this Stigma against Jews too. Safety in siding with someone in power.
George Gerbner - We thought if we watch something over and over the process of normalisation would take place and things would be become accepted. Only presents the main culture, it distorts reality. This does not apply to everyone as not everyone watches TV
Women love Tide and they have seen this on other previous Tide adverts. Anchorage of the hearts shows that women love cleaning and love using Tide. The intertextuality shows that women love Tide as it has been seen before.
Hegemony - Where one group wields power over another, not through violence or domination, but through coercion and consent
- Parental Hegemony - leaving the table without asking
- Workplace Hegemony
- Social Hegemony (the law)
- Educational Hegemony
- Patriarchal Hegemony
- Cultural Hegemony
TA - Young (18-30), Middle Class, Women intertextuality, men think they could get women like this with a coke. Young thin women have been selected as they are attractive and shows that you need to be thin to be attractive in our society. The setting of apartment shows they are trendy and probably wealthy due to them being able to afford an apartment looking over a city, there is a binary opposition of the beach which there would be at home, instead they're lying on an apartment, this reinforces the hegemonic code of wealth and emphasises the point in which money makes you happy. These women are stereotypically attractive due to the lack of clothing, which shows their confidence as they are slim and it reinforces the hegemonic norm that skinny women are stereotypically attractive. We are seeing an aspirational image where this is the figure women should aspire to have, the representation is being being constantly reinforced through the concept of cultivation
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