Ideological Perspectives of Newspapers📰 and Magazines🗞 Ideology is the ideas and beliefs of the producer. Certain stories are chosen based on the TA's interests so they will be entertained and therefore buy the newspaper. The process of selecting what will be in the newspaper is called Newsworthiness. A broadsheet newspaper has a formal mode of address, larger, more expensive more political A tabloid focuses more on gossip, more opinionated and more about gossip Intertextuality is where one media product refers to another the most popular or famous example of this is the parody genre of film. The double of address is where a media product targets two TA's. The symbolic code of the dark clouds represent the dark times ahead and could also foreshadow the apocalypse the trump could bring with him and how he leads america are also shown by the background too. The intertextuality of Cloverfield, Walking Dead and post apocalyptic films shows how much ...