New Paper Industry
Set Texts - Daily Mirror, The Times
Diseminate - To have a unique and destictive logo for your company
Shell - Yellow = bright, happy, Warm, positovity, optamism
Red = Royal, Exlusivity, love and passion
The shape - The shape looks like a sunrise, new day, new start new car feeling, fresh. The shell connotes protection and it is not intimidating, it is friendly and simple, the shell is also a fossil fuel.
The green connotes, fresh, pure, healthy, and nutritious. The mermaid also resembles the pattern of milk they do on the top of your drink. The mermaid connotes mythical and quirkiness. The fact she is more covered up yet hinting at breasts shows a riské approach. The crown is connoted that she is the best at what they do. All of the bad things like the company avoiding the taxes and having bad coffee that the logo does not portray as there is no room for it and why would they advertise all the bad things
The Bold snappy font clearly sands out on the blood red background. The red could symbolise lust (page 3) and also danger to what is going on in the world, it also shows an alert and it being so simple makes it east to remember and the red shows it is less serious and also have a bit of a laugh. The Sans Serif font makes it less serious and seem fun and happy.
Newspaper focuses on a variety of subjects where as a magazine would focus just on one. Newspaper's also have multiple images on the front and therefore have a large, bold font for their headlines whereas a magazine has what is known as a cover line. Newspapers are printed on shittier paper where as a magazine is on good quality. The newspaper structure is a lot more angular and boxy where as a magazine is more fluid and open.
The newspaper industry is a specialised industry.
Claude Levi-Strauss the structurilism theorist of Binary Opposition.
Roland Barthes semiotic theory - Hermienutic code is enigma code, the proairetic code is the action code and the symbolic code
Binary Opposition of having a difficult subject like suicide alongside a way to get rich.
The headline announces a bold and alarmist statement this specific aspect of mise en scene is a hermienutic code and therefore creates a mystery on how something like this could happen
The binary opposition of the top story possitioning the audience in a positive and upbeat story and therefore allows them to warm to Danny Dyer and to show he is a helpful ad good dad, this is emphasised by the story below.
The typeface below 'teens video game hell' is presented in red and bock capitals the proairtic code from this font suggests the video game in question is violent and dangerous.
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