Constructing Representations

One of advantages of newspaper having political ideologies is it enables them to identify a target audience for their media product

A broadsheet newspaper has a formal mode of address, larger, more expensive more political

A tabloid focuses more on gossip, more opinionated and more about gossip

Broadsheet have more text then tabloid

The Typeface is smaller for a broadsheet and there is less jokes and a broadsheet is more sophisticated

The main image takes up less space for a broadsheet

Tabloid, large type face and a big image and a less formal mode of address and they use examples of stories involving human interest that does not affect us it interests us.

Sensationalist is a story told to annoy people

Polysemic is something with two tor more meanings and is what newspapers try and avoid.  Newspapers use an anchor(age) is the fixing of a meaning in a media product. 

Newspapers also have an agenda which is an aim or a target

Both Newspapers Anchor the audience into feeling certain ways about the Labour party

Mise en scene -  Colloquial, Childish, CorBIN shitty pun in a council estate, out of his comfort zone, and also the proairetic code of that if we vote for Jezza, we will end up in the council estate, also the headline shows that the bad pun (working class audience humour) is also saying do not give Corbyn Britain or he will treat it like trash. 
The bullet points on the side all have words linked to violence and war and evilness, the fact they are next to Corbyn associate him with these words

Direct mode of address and use of colloquial language shows a lack of respect towards him

Bold and positive lexis font uses a direct mode address.  Can representation construct reality? DEEP! Representation is showing something again from a different view.  Representation is a Construction of Reality

Advert covering the whole font page for Parents maybe as it is christmas coming up, potential present.  The sun tends to omit political stories



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