Ideological Perspectives of Newspapers📰 and Magazines🗞
Ideology is the ideas and beliefs of the producer. Certain stories are chosen based on the TA's interests so they will be entertained and therefore buy the newspaper. The process of selecting what will be in the newspaper is called Newsworthiness.
A broadsheet newspaper has a formal mode of address, larger, more expensive more political
A tabloid focuses more on gossip, more opinionated and more about gossip
Intertextuality is where one media product refers to another the most popular or famous example of this is the parody genre of film. The double of address is where a media product targets two TA's.
The symbolic code of the dark clouds represent the dark times ahead and could also foreshadow the apocalypse the trump could bring with him and how he leads america are also shown by the background too.
The intertextuality of Cloverfield, Walking Dead and post apocalyptic films shows how much of a dangerous position America is in. The red symbolises anger and danger as something bad has very happened and is going to happen. She symbolises freedom for American and is so iconic for USA and New York so it has a massive impact to the audience seeing it look different to how it normally looks.
The location and setting of New York with the mise en scene of the clouds demonstrates to the audience this is an attack on the scale of 911 or worse. It is totally inappropriate as it is referencing too terrorism and also links to the dystopian book '1984' and also the weeping angels from Doctor Who. Even Home Alone 2 as the villains try and take over NewYork and Trump himself is in the film! The headline itself is talking as a direct mode of address. The word 'they' is assuming that those in UK are not the ones who've messed up and that they need to deal with it and also points the blame on he Americans and showing they bought it upon themselves. The newspaper is calling trump an Ape as it refers Planet of the Apes also as the twist is that monkeys have taken over the world and trump has done the same and therefore is an Ape. This poster is polysemic meaning it has many meanings. The point of view of this newspaper is very anti Trump and due to it being a Tabloid it will be able to powerfully demonstrate why while appealing to the TA but using opinion rather than reason to side with the TA who is also against Trump. The close up of the Statue of Liberty shows clearly the pain and emotion she is feeling and allows a more intimate bond with her and the reader. The short rhetorical question provokes the reader into reading about the details about what has happened. The san serif font also has a hermeneutic connotation and the non formal font may also symbolise Trumps presidency being the same. The mise en scene of disruption demonstrates TA of working class that the worlds narrative state is in a disrupted and unbalanced and referencing to post apocalyptic genre convention to show the TA that the world is in a dark place in time.
The fundamental differences between left-wing and right-wing ideologies centre around the the rights of individuals vs. the power of the government. Left-wing beliefs are liberal in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government. People on the right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role — and especially the power — of the government is minimised.
- The mise-en-scene of the American flag is symbolic of of freedom, justice and american values. This anchors the audience to believe that Trump is a positive force, it also anchors the idea that Trump is good for America and the man clapping does the same, shows he is supported.
- The headline, 'THE NEW WORLD is presented in a serif font, which has connotations of positivity, seriousness, and the ideology that Trump will be a global force for good.
- Trump's red tie is connotative of hope, positivity, and patriotism. Red is also the colour of the republican party.
- Placement of headline is directly over Trump's heart, demonstrating his love and intentions to shape the world.
- A VERY polysemic reading: slightly wary of the future. Bias through selection: a slightly smug picture of Trump has been elected, suggesting that Trump is unprepared. For other audiences, it might connote confidence, or Trump's fear at responsibility
- Lexis: choice of the word 'shockwaves' is perhaps symbolic of natural disasters. Potentially, the audience may negotiate a negative response to Trump
- Pull quote's lexis demonstrates the new president's egotism, but may be comparative to other orators like Martin Luther King. ~However, also an intertextual reference to a comic book super villain. Yellow has connotations of strength and superiority.
- Ultimately, by generally supporting Trump, The Times has demonstrated a significant right wing bias. Further reinforces the ideological perspective of the newspaper.
Newspapers also construct an audience and also present extremely opinionated points of view
Representation is a RE-presentation, we are no seeing what we are seeing we are seeing how the company wants them to be presented
- Identify the group the place or the issue
- Technical devices - The media texts used to present the issue to us
- The message about the group or Issue being created within the text
- the impact of the message on the target audience
In the Mails online article it is making suggestions about what you have to be to be attractive using hegemonic codes
Hegemony - Based on the definition of hegemony, media hegemony means the dominance of a certain aspects of life and thoughts by penetrating dominant culture and values in social life. In other words, media hegemony served as a crucial shaper of culture, values and ideology of society.
George Gerbner - Cultivation theory examines the long-term effects of television. "The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend 'living' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality aligns with reality portrayed on television. That we can also divide the world into what men are like and what women like
Hegemonic Dominance
- Parental
- Patriarchal
- Hegemonic Standards of Beauty
Feminist Theory - Lisbet Van Zoonen - Gender is constructed through discourse, conversations, the media etc. She says that men and women have different purposes, women are meant to be looked at and the men are mean to do the looking 'intradiegetic gaze'
Sexualisation - When a man or a woman is used or exploited just for how they look and dress
Objectification - The process of refering to someone as an object instead of a person
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