Mogwai (Mog-why)
Instrumentalist Band - No Singer Scottish Band All Men - Beardy Men Sludgy Deep and Dark Tones Black Cat - 6 minute songs Atypical bend, targeting a niche/cult audience Mogwai are an example of Henry Jenkins -+ The soundtrack of Les Revenant is inappropriate so to have Mogwai's music in the show they had to tone it down so therefore to have a name with a cult following in France it allows more people to be attracted to them, this is called, addressing a pre-sold audience The American Marketing Advert The fast paced editing adds tension and drama to the advert Jump cuts, are symbolic of its horror genre, dramatically dramatised compared to the actual version The Mes en Scene There is a focused contrast between violence and sex The romanticised scenes of the Simon and Adele makes it also seem like a romantic film They do not show all 8 of the main retuned as it would take too long, focus on parts that would not be as inter...